Show stash titles in the table of content Table of content You can remove the icon yourself by putting something into the stash and then taking it again this should clear the stash marker off your map. If you have found information about a stash more than once, without looting it in the meantime, the icon will not disappar from the map once you do pick up the items - I reckon this is a bug. If you have found information about that stash three times, the actual content will be 3 medkits and 15 bandages.

You can find information about the same stash several times - if you do, the contents of the stash will be multiplied by the number of times you've found the information say, for example, you've found a stash with a medkit and 5 bandages in it. Once you find and loot a stash the icon will disappear. When you have found enough information about a stash it will be shown on your map - both the map in the PDA and in the minimap (if you're close enough). The title and description of each stash is taken from the message you get when hovering the mouse cursor over the stash in the map of the PDA. If you find information about a stash, the PDA icon will start to flash. stalkers, bandits, army personnel, and even some zombified stalkers. This information can be found on dead humans, ie. To find items in (and the locations of) secret stashes you first need to find information about the stash. This page contains information about the secret stashes that can be found in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl.